Wouldn't it be nice to actually reach Your goals this year and have fun doing it?
Forbes rates MasterMind as a Top 5 method to reach Your career goals. It’s praised by Silicon Valley CEOs and entrepreneurs. And for a good reason!
Through structure, commitment, accountability and action, you can have Your most productive year to date. See below how MasterMind works!
💡 Format
- Up to 8 members (Senior EAs & PAs) commit to working together for 1 year
- Monthly MasterMind session of 2 hours (happens via Zoom)
- 12 sessions in total(January to December 2024)
- Members have private chat group they can access 24/7
- Weekly checkins & progress reports help participants stay motivated and keep their goals in sight
- Accountability buddy helps every member turn ideas into actions
- Guest speakers & additional topics bring additional value to traditional MasterMind sessions
- Workshops on Time Management, Goal Setting, Technology & others that members find necessary during the year to make things happen faster
- Group & private coaching sessions if needed are held free of charge
- Membership fee: 45 eur/per session per person (12 sessions paid in advance and participation is obligatory).
👩🔧 Benefits for Individual EAs & PAs
- Practical Support in reaching Your career goals (even if you are the only EA in Your company)
- Gain clarity on Your Next Steps
- Get practical advice to overcome blocks in Your progression
- Expand Your network and become part of a Global Assistant Community
- Share Your knowledge & learn from other brilliant Experienced Assistants
- Get motivated and stop feeling you are alone in this role & ¨nobody gets it ¨
👥 Benefits for Teams of EAs & PAs
- Practical Support in individual career goals while reaching team goals
- Building a skill of collaboration between Assistants
- Bonding individual Assistants into a team that actually works together
- Sharing individual practical knowledge & learning from others
- Getting things done
- Creating safe space to open up & deal with issues that tend to build up, but are not addressed and ruin team spirit
- Building trust & empathy